CHIUDI GLI OCCHI E POI VEDI "Close Your Eyes and Then You will See" EDP
What a fairground of lights life is! Lights that make me close my eyes. They are too hard to bear. If I close my eyes I feel a shade of smiles, I shiver, and my heart is swept away. Life gets distracted. What a picture of white loneliness! What a mask of tears and amusing scents. We are fixed and dilated pupils that smile without fervor. Grief. You fear what you cannot identify, even when it is something familiar. You feel anxious about not recognize the dance of an ancient face. Sadness of time and history. Dance, play, deceive. A friendly smile, a discordant note. far echo of mud and guts. Close your eyes because in the dark you can see, your thoughts become closer and deeper. And that face which distorts mine is back. Memories. Not everything is as it seems. Close your eyes now, creepy mask, lost soul, you eat peace instead of searching for it. Shaking heart of a lost man. He wants the bravery to run meaningless around himself. Not everything is as it seems. Fear of clowns, also known as coulrophobia, is a relatively common and often misunderstood phobia. This fear can manifest itself in varying degrees of intensity, from mild discomfort to paralyzing terror, and is believed to have deep roots in the human psyche. The figure of the clown is historically associated with fun and entertainment, going back to medieval jesters and harlequins of the art comedy. However, the clown's grotesque appearance, with exaggerated makeup distorting facial features, can create a sense of ambiguity and uncertainty. This distortion can cause people to perceive clowns as disturbing figures because their appearance does not match common human behaviors. Psychology suggests that the fear of clowns may stem from the difficulty of reading the true emotions behind the heavy makeup. Our usual predisposition is to read facial expressions to understand the other person's intentions. When this ability is compromised, as in the case of clowns, it can generate anxiety and fear. The often-unpredictable behavior of clowns can contribute to an uneasy feeling. Popular culture has amplified the fear of these figures through negative and frightening portrayals. An emblematic example is the character of Pennywise, the wicked clown from Stephen King's novel “It,” who has terrorized generations of readers and viewers and is the foundation of the inspiration for the thirteenth fragrance in the UNUM collection. Coulrophobia, now also developed in olfaction with Filippo Sorcinelli, is a kind of completion of research on the deep meaning of fear that began with the fragrance “but not today” in 2018 and continued last year with “né il Giorno né l'ora”; it can have a significant impact on the daily lives of people who are afflicted by it. Common situations such as children's birthday parties or circus events can become a source of stress and anxiety. In extreme cases, the mere sight of an image of a clown can trigger a panic reaction. Ambiguity is the lagoon of thoughts, awkward movement covered with art project our anguish, thin our faces and describe wickedness. But authentic Art intervenes on the facade badness as it intervenes on the soul. Only she produces this short circuit capable of undoing what induces the negative about meanness. Art describes but does not limit or like to exaggerate negativity. It describes it because exposing it causes the matter of Beauty to take over even in negative situations. Someone needs to be bad but only the other can circumscribe his limit in the road of loneliness. And only then will the center of badness become social construction.
SUBJECT: Vetiver, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Amber, Oud
COUNTER SUBJECT: Artemisia, Petitgrain, Salvia sclarea, Patchouli
TAIL: Lemon, Bergamot, Lavender, Strawberry